Welcome to...

Bournemouth Big Band Swing and Jazz Club

Invite you to an evening of recorded jazz in...

Room 1, Ground Floor, Kinson Community Centre on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm

Entry fee £4 (includes free refreshments)


Presentations, talks, concerts and more

Who are we? Find out and join us!

The Bournemouth Big Band Swing and Jazz Club meets on the second Wednesday of each month (6.30 - 8.45pm) in Room 1, Ground floor of the Kinson Community Centre Bournemouth.

Currently we have around 25 active members (Ladies and Gents) who all share a common interest in recorded Jazz music of all kinds. This can (and frequently does) range from early Dixieland to Modern Jazz via Mainstream and Big Band.

The normal format of each meeting is simple - 3 members will each present 35 programme minutes of recorded Jazz music of their own choice - usually with a clever or interesting theme.

We have state of the art equipment so the sound quality is superb. After the first two presentations there is a break of around 20 minutes for tea/coffee and biscuits and a chance to socialise. Occasionally we have a guest speaker.

New members are most welcome so why not come along and join us, your first evening will be totally free of charge. If you like what you hear and see then we would love you to join us as a permanent member.

The entry cost for each meeting is £4 which includes the cost of refreshments as well as a fantastic evening of recorded jazz music.

After each Meeting we send out a newsletter via email to all members with album and personnel details about all the music played.

A really great way to meet folk who all love jazz music.

Want to join us?

Complete this form and we will get back to you in 24 hours.